March 2022 at Oyster Bay Yoga


Dear Oyster Bay Yogis,

Happy March! Happy Spring! We’ve got a lot of great stuff in store for you at the studios this month. Our theme is “Manifestation.” Let’s use the tools of yoga to help us bring goodness into our lives. Lord knows we need it! Let’s see what the collective power of our thoughts, words, and actions can achieve. Better boundaries? Yoga helps. Strength? Flexibility? Healthy body & mind? Yoga helps. Stress relief? Better sleep? Yoga helps. What do you need, and how can yoga help you move in that direction? Talk to your teachers! We are ALL here because we want to help you stay committed to your practice, and reap the rewards.

If you’re manifesting some arm balances for yourself, come see me in classes! Our pose of the month is Bakasana, crow pose.

Want to be a ballerina? Come to an AWESOME workshop on the 11th and live those dreams.

Anne’s gonna work with you on manifesting some joy in her monthly wheel of life workshop.

Nancy’s gonna help you manifest goodness through Yoga Nidra, and

Martha’s got a 40 Day Kundalini Sadhana to share with you!

We’ve got a celebration of the Spring Equinox with Erica & Birva on 3/20 - 96 sun salutations anyone!?

We’ve even got some fun spring stuff for the kids :)

See you very soon,


Pose of the Month

Bakasana (Crow Pose)

In my classes this month we’ll be focusing on arm balancing, specifically Bakasana (Crow Pose)! Practice the technique of this posture along with me in this video, and then in your full practices, see if you can settle into the alignment and then shift your attention to a single point of focus, like your drishti, or your breath.

Sutra of the Month

According to Patanjali, practice means making an effort to stay “there.” “There” means the realm of consciousness where truth, the absolute reality, resides in its pristine form. The practice that enables you to gain inner stability, that takes you inside, that introduces you to yourself, that eliminates all obstacles, and finally, that makes you see and embrace the truth directly—that alone is practice. When you find something you are truly curious about, your attention can focus with great precision and unwavering energy.

Oil of the Month

Our March OOTM is:

Self Manifestation

“The 3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra is the point of our personal power. When suppressed we feel powerless, but when expressed we experience our strength of purpose.

This can lead to liberation, transformation, and manifestation of our own unique and distinct identity. In authentic self-empowerment, we experience autonomy supported by our sense of self-definition and self-worth while remaining in harmony with others through compassion and caring.

“This synergy is called Self Manifestation and is made with the 100% pure, undiluted essential oils of Black Pepper, Cardamom, Davana, and Pink Grapefruit. It has a softly sweet punch of power and spice.

Self Manifestation helps to quiet the mind so that we may go inward to tap into our own sense of self-definition and autonomy with clarity. This strengthens our sense of self-empowerment with enthusiasm, stamina, and motivation. It nourishes our sense of self-worth with courage, confidence, and optimism. It also invites positive, cleansing energy to support manifestation of our purpose, while encouraging warmth and graciousness toward others. ” -Plant Therapy

Click here to learn more about Self Manifestation

This month, enjoy 20% off your purchase of Self Manifestation essential oil at the studios.

Monthly Challenge Winner

Our Monthly Challenge Winner for February 2022 is:

Marie Martin

Congratulations Marie! You attended 31 classes in the month of February, and you’ll get your next month of membership for free! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of our community.

Who will be our March winner?

Practice at hOMe

New classes added this month, Sydney’s 20 minute Body Scan & Sydney’s 5 minute “Sippy Cup” Breath exercise (great for kids & adults)!

Get access to over 150 pre-recorded classes from your favorite OBY & GCY instructors to practice anytime, anywhere!

If you have ANY questions about how to access practice at hOMe, please email and we’ll make sure you are able to login.

Want to sign up for practice at hOMe access? Click here

$29/month unlimited for non-members, $14.50/month for OBY, GCY or Dual-Studio Members.

Use Code OBYMEMBERS, or GCYMEMBERS at checkout to receive membership discount.

Pajama Yoga

Friday, March 4th


at Oyster Bay Yoga


Friday, March 25th


at Glen Cove Yoga

with Diana Vargas

Kids ages 4-10 can come dressed in their PJ's for a fun yoga class with stretching, games and stories to help them get ready for bed.

Milk & cookies provided!

$15 per child

Friday Night Flow: Men of Music

Friday, March 4th


at Glen Cove Yoga


Friday, March 18th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Anne Davidson

Join Anne in a challenging yoga flow to the tunes of your favorite male singers from the 80s to today!

$10 to drop-in/FREE for members

Yoga Book Club

Friday, March 4th


at Glen Cove Yoga

Come join us for an hour of yoga with Peggy followed by Book Club discussion and socializing at the studio!
This meeting’s book is The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

BYO snack & drink to enjoy during the book discussion.

$24/person (FREE for OBY & GCY members)

Join in-person or virtually!

Introduction to Beginner Adult Ballet

Friday, March 11th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Tabitha Alessi

Ever since the pandemic, people are looking at life in a new perspective. We want experiences that don’t involve zoom, but something that feeds the soul.

Do you want to move your body, have fun and be active? Then a basic beginner ballet class is for you.

You do not need to be able to do splits! This is not a competition. If you have never tried ballet, do not be intimidated. This is a friendly environment, and ALL are welcome.

All you need are grippy socks and comfortable athletic attire.

 First half of class. We start with a little stretching. Then, with both hands on the ballet barre we warm up our bodies, focusing on our legs. The barre helps us feel balanced while engaging your core. Barre work helps improve your posture, all over strength and prepares you for center work.

 Second half of class. This is when we introduce our upper body and arms, connecting with leg strength. In many ways, repeating what we did at barre, now in the center of the studio. Some jumps, waltzing and moving freely. This is the fun part where we really get to move and dance!

 Did you always want to be a prima ballerina? Now is your chance to feel like one!

I promise everyone will leave class feeling taller, stronger, and of course happy.


 $40 per person (10% off for OBY/GCY/Dual Studio Members)

About Tabitha

In 2007 I danced for my first professional ballet company Atlanta Ballet. After dancing with several other companies, I landed a principal position with the Charleston Ballet Theater. I've had the privilege of traveling the world, guest appearing with artists like Janelle Monáe, performing multiple Balanchine ballets, and principal roles like Cinderella. While dancing professionally I also dedicated my time as a ballet mistress for a performing arts program orchestrating productions like The Nutcracker and Peter Pan. By age 27 I was promoted to Artistic Director, working with a cast of over 40 dancers ages 5 to 65. After a lifetime of disciplined training and over a decade of teaching experience I am now a nutrition major, Pilates instructor, and of course ballet teacher.

Yin Yoga

Sunday, March 13th



Friday, March 25th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. A yin yoga practice compliments a yang practice and allows for a more balanced approach to life.

$24 to drop-in/FREE for members

Welcoming Spring with Yoga and Mindfulness for Kids

Friday, March 18th


with Miss Jeannine from Yoga Rocks

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Let's welcome spring together in this fun, kids yoga class for ages 4-10!

We will do spring yoga poses, mindful movements, games, songs and relaxation exercises.

$15 per child

Full Moon Movement, Meditation & Gong Bath

Friday, March 18th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Full Moon Gong Meditations allow us to honor the cyclical nature of the moon together. During the class there will be a seated meditation, incorporating mantra, pranayama and mudra, gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong.

$24 to drop-in / Free for members

Sun Salutations Spring Equinox Pop Up Class

Sunday, March 20th


with Birva Sheth & Erica Tymeck

at Glen Cove Yoga

96 sun salutations to welcome spring! Sun Salutations are a sequence of yoga poses strung together in a consistent movement, typically found in Vinyasa-style yoga. In Sanskrit, Sun Salutations are referred to as “Surya Namaskar” and were traditionally practiced to usher in the new day. Join Erica and Birva to usher in the light of Spring! During the Spring equinox, the day and night are equal lengths. The Spring Equinox represents a time of rebirth and new beginnings, making it a great time to detoxify the body. Set intentions, cultivate balance, and celebrate new beginnings while practicing 96 Sun Salutations.

$24 to drop in/FREE for members

Wheel of Life: Joy

Sunday, March 20th


with Anne Davidson

at Oyster Bay Yoga

This is a 90 minute session where Anne, certified yoga instructor and health and wellness coach, will guide you through a yoga + meditation practice followed by a journaling and coaching workshop. This workshop will teach you how to dig deep into the idea of JOY and how to cultivate, manifest, and create more JOY in your life. You'll be guided through the wheel of life exercise and you’ll walk away with simple, sustainable self-care tools that will support your lifestyle. Walk away feeling capable, calm, and ready to live well.

$40 per person (10% off for OBY/GCY/Dual Studio Members)

Manifest Your Dreams Through Yoga Nidra

Saturday, March 26th


with Nancy Rich

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Yoga Nidra reveals to us that we hold within us the power to create whatever it is we want to create for ourselves in THIS life. As we quiet our senses, turning inward, we gain awareness of, and access to, the most subtle realms of our being. We gain the ability to navigate our own flow of energy within our subtle body, supporting deep healing and exploration. We let go of time and gently surrender the body/mind into pure loving awareness.

Here in the peaceful, blissful space of unlimited potential we are able to weave our dreams and visions for our lives into THIS life. What do you want to create for yourself in your life?

Nourish yourself in the many additional benefits of Classical Yoga Nidra:

✦ Improves functioning of the immune system & reduces pain & inflamation

✦ Lowers blood pressure & stablizes blood sugar

✦ Calms & cools the nervous system, while improving & stabilizing mood

✦ It treats insomnia, psychological disorders, & psychosomatic diseases

✦ Relaxes the mind, relieving stress & anxiety

✦ Helps in enhancing memory & increases capacity for learning

✦ Relieves muscular, emotional & mental tension

✦ Detoxifies the body, clears up the subconscious & increases energy levels

✦ Leads to improved senses & more cultivated body awareness

$40 per person (10% off for OBY/GCY/Dual Studio Members)

March Sale

Double Referral Rewards!

If you’re a member (auto-renew or yearly members only), and you refer someone who also signs up for membership at either studio, for the month of March you’ll get DOUBLE referral rewards. That’s $80 off your next membership payment for each person you refer. Just tell the person you refer to write your name under the “referred by” section of their membership when they sign up. Share the love!

40 Day Kundalini Sadhana

Join Martha Flanagan for the next 40 day Sadhana. Sadhana means a daily practice, which can be a meditation, mantra, prayer, yoga practice or self-inquiry. The aim of such practices is to realize you are not who you think you are or who you believe yourself to be.

In the yogic sciences, there is a saying. “Your habits define you.” The problems in life come from our habits. The only difference is how people act. Our actions come from our habits”. (3HO)

40 Days: Practice every day for 40 days straight. This will break any negative habits that block you from the expansion possible through the kriya or mantra.

In this next 40 days we will do “Kirtan Kriya”. (Pronounced keeertan) This kriya has been researched with The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation. When practiced correctly for just 11 minutes daily can improve cognition and parts of the brain central to memory.

Martha will be introducing the Sadhana on Sunday 3/13 In class at Oyster Bay Yoga.

FREE for all to join, but please register here:

Upcoming Events & Schedule Updates



  • New time!: Mondays Slow Flow with Emily Loeb is changing from 10:45am to 10:30am (Oyster Bay)

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, stay well.
