February 2022 at Oyster Bay Yoga


Dear Oyster Bay Yogis,

Happy February! Our theme of the month is “Focus!” Focus is the first step toward meditation, and ultimately, samadhi or enlightenment. In our practice we move from many points of focus (vrttis), to one point of focus (dharana), and eventually, into a state of meditation (dhyana). Remember, Patanjali tells us that yoga is the quieting of the fluctuations of the mind (yogas chitta vrtti nirodhah). We use the tools of yoga on the mat, asana and pranayama, and drishti to focus our attention, and make ourselves more ready, more receptive to peaceful stillness in the mind. With dedication, and focused, regular effort, these moments of peaceful stillness become easier to find among the craziness of daily life.

“Practice, and all is coming!”-Sri K Pattabhi Jois

In the remainder of the newsletter, you’ll see our oil of the month, our first monthly challenge winner of the year, and all of the exciting events we have planned for you this month. Hope to see you all very soon at the studios, or online!

With love,


Pose of the Month

Virabhadrasana III

In my classes this month we’ll be focusing on standing balancing poses, among which will be warrior 3. Practice the technique of this posture along with me in this video, and then in your full practices, see if you can settle into the alignment and then shift your attention to a single point of focus, like your drishti, or your breath.

Sutra of the Month

Here, Patanjali is outlining his suggestions for cultivating one-pointedness in the mind, and thus, calmness of the mind. There is no progression here, just a variety of options to try, outlined to help each individual achieve calmness of mind. Give each of them a try this month!

Oil of the Month

Our February OOTM is:

Loving Compassion (Heart Chakra)

“The 4th (Heart) Chakra is the center of our ability to offer unconditional love and acceptance to ourselves and others. This chakra can be easily and deeply wounded, affecting the wellbeing of our whole being. Healing our own hearts allows us to help heal the world around us. When we are able to love ourselves for who we are, we can offer love to others seeing them in their own humanity with compassion, acceptance, and kindness. Comforting and calming, this synergy helps to ease wounds of the heart and nourish the spirit. It helps to clear and cleanse deep wounds and blocks, while opening and uplifting the heart center. Loving Compassion invites positive energy and encourages a joyful outlook and outward connection, and promotes unconditional love for self and others with compassion and acceptance.” -Plant Therapy

Click here to learn more about Loving Compassion (Heart Chakra)

This month, enjoy 20% off your purchase of Loving Compassion (Heart Chakra) essential oil at the studios.

Monthly Challenge Winner

Our Monthly Challenge Winner for January 2022 is:

Ally Robbins

Congratulations Ally! You attended 29 classes in the month of January, and you’ll get your next month of membership for free! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of our community.

Who will be our February winner?

Practice at hOMe

New class added this month, Angela’s 50 minute all-levels flow!

Get access to over 150 pre-recorded classes from your favorite OBY & GCY instructors to practice anytime, anywhere!

If you have ANY questions about how to access practice at hOMe, please email info@glencoveyoga.com and we’ll make sure you are able to login.

Want to sign up for practice at hOMe access? Click here

$29/month unlimited for non-members, $14.50/month for OBY, GCY or Dual-Studio Members.

Use Code OBYMEMBERS, or GCYMEMBERS at checkout to receive membership discount.

Pajama Yoga

Friday, February 4th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Diana Vargas

Kids ages 4-10 can come dressed in their PJ's for a fun yoga class with stretching, games and stories to help them get ready for bed.

Milk & cookies provided!

$15 per child

Friday Night Flow: L-O-V-E

Friday, February 4th


at Glen Cove Yoga


Friday, February 11th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Anne Davidson

Open your heart to the sweet tunes surrounding the theme of love! Expect hear opening poses and songs that inspire you to feel the love.

$10 to drop-in/FREE for members

Yin Yoga

Sunday, February 13th



Friday, February 25th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. A yin yoga practice compliments a yang practice and allows for a more balanced approach to life.

$24 to drop-in/FREE for members

Yoga Nidra

Friday, February 11th


with Nancy Rich

at Glen Cove Yoga

DEEP DIVE INTO THE LOVE of a heart-expanding evening of community, love & Yoga Nidra. The session is artfully designed to increase our capability of giving and receiving love. Yoga Nidra connects us to the light of love that holds us safely so that we may shine our brightest. Being heart-centered, open and present can improve our ability to be there for others. May the love and inner happiness gained through our practice radiate out. The tired world needs us.

$35 per person (10% off for OBY/GCY/Dual members)

This month only, bring a loved one!

Buy one ticket, get another for 50% off.

50% off only valid on purchase of second ticket.

Full Moon Movement, Meditation & Gong Bath

Wednesday, February 16th


with Martha Flanagan

at Glen Cove Yoga

Full Moon Gong Meditations allow us to honor the cyclical nature of the moon together. During the class there will be a seated meditation, incorporating mantra, pranayama and mudra, gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong.

$24 to drop-in / Free for members

Yoga Book Club

Sunday, February 18th


with Peggy Adair

at Glen Cove Yoga

Come join us for an hour of with Peggy followed by Book Club discussion and socializing at the studio!
This meeting’s book is The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

BYO snack & drink to enjoy during the book discussion.

$24/person (FREE for OBY & GCY members)

in-person or virtually!

Introduction to the Indian Wisdom of the 7 Chakras

Sunday, February 27th


with Maru Duran

at Glen Cove Yoga

Do you want to understand how your energy body works? Learn how to harmonize your nervous system by identifying and healing blocks and wounds? If so, we would love to have you join us as we learn and directly experience the chakra system. 

You are MORE than just a physical body. In fact, your physical body is just a reflection of your energy body, since our cells are mostly empty space! Your energy body determines how you feel, how people respond to you, and literally creates your reality.

This first class is an introduction to the Indian wisdom of the 7 chakras (energy centers). It will explain how the health of your energy body affects every part of your life. We will learn about the chakra system (45 minutes), experience it through a guided meditation (15 minutes), and then practice a yoga class that will stimulate and balance the chakras (30 minutes). Expect to leave feeling balanced, and with an understanding of what the chakra system is and how it works.

The classes following this one will be focused on each individual chakra. We will deep-dive on the chakra of the month, learn about it, identify personal blockages through writing prompts, and feel it in our bodies through guided meditation and yoga (asana) practice focused on that chakra.

The series of classes will empower you to heal blockages in your energy body, regain your balance in areas of your life that need attention, and gain a deeper appreciation for yourself and others. These classes will give you a greater level of self mastery and an ability to heal, and a deeper understanding of HOW the health of your energetic body is creating your reality.

We encourage individuals who are excited about developing self mastery and inner healing abilities to participate!

Are you ready to join me on the journey within?

February Sale

All jewelry is 20% off this month at both studios!

Treat yourself or someone special to a beautiful new necklace, ring, or bracelet!

Upcoming Events & Schedule Updates



  • New class!: Fridays 10:30am Stretch & Restore with Nancy Rich (Glen Cove)

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, stay well.
