Welcome to our studio, and welcome om.

If you've ever felt that:

"I'm too embarrassed to try yoga," or
"I'm not flexible enough," or
“It's not for me,”

We hope you’ll reconsider.

We’re here to make you feel at home in a yoga studio. In fact, Oyster Bay Yoga was created with the sole purpose of helping folks like you reap the rewards of a regular yoga practice and become the happiest, healthiest, fittest version of yourself. Because when we choose to take care of ourselves, everyone around us benefits too.

How can yoga help me achieve all that?

Yoga is a union of body, breath, and mind, and our studio is a place to take care of all three. You’ll practice yoga, pilates, or meditation in a class that suits your individual goals. You'll learn something new from our amazing instructors, you'll connect with other like-minded students, and you'll carve out a little “me-time," too. You'll leave the studio feeling better than when you came. More balanced (physically, and mentally), and less stressed. 

Feel healthy. Feel proud of yourself. Feel connected.

Still feeling hesitant? We’d love to have you come for one of our “Welcome Sessions," where you’ll be introduced to an instructor who can familiarize you with our studio, and the tools that we use in our classes, answer any questions that you have, and help you choose a class and an instructor that will best suit your personal goals. You can make your welcome session appointment right here.

In addition to our full class schedule of yoga, Pilates, and meditation classes, we are pleased to offer massage and reiki services, as well as corporate wellness packages & parties. (All of which our OB Yoga members can take advantage of at special rates).

We hope to see you in the studio soon. You can book your first class by signing up here, or sign up for a Welcome Session. Give us a call if you have any questions, and enter your email address here to subscribe to our bi-monthly email newsletter. (We know how valuable your time is, so we promise not to flood your inbox.)

See you soon!

Team Oyster Bay Yoga
