April 2022 at Oyster Bay Yoga

Self Care

Dear Oyster Bay Yogis,

Happy April! Inspired by that feeling of spring renewal in the air, this month’s theme at the studios is “Self Care.” As you remain committed to your practice, you’ll find that yoga, when you approach it in a particular way, is one of the best forms of self care out there. When we practice yoga we become aware of what we need on a daily basis, physically, mentally, and emotionally. With that awareness, we can implement the tools of yoga that will help serve our highest needs. Some days we need to be still, some days we need to MOVE. Some days we need solitude, some days we need community. Some days we practice yoga on the mat, and some days life requires us to take what we’ve learned off the mat. This is not to say we should have a scattered approach to our practice. Yoga, after all, is a discipline. However the fruits of our disciplined practice include the ability to deploy the skills and tools that yoga teaches us at the right time so that from all of this awareness we’re practicing, we feel we’re able to care for ourselves. How empowering!

In the remainder of the newsletter, you’ll see our oil of the month, our monthly challenge winner, and all of the exciting events we have planned for you this month. Hope to see you all very soon at the studios, or online!

See you very soon,


Pose of the Month

Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)

In my classes this month we’ll be focusing on arm balancing, specifically Bakasana (Crow Pose)! Practice the technique of this posture along with me in this video, and then in your full practices, see if you can settle into the alignment and then shift your attention to a single point of focus, like your drishti, or your breath.

Sutra of the Month

What or who is the seer? It is the soul. In our current state of the mind, the soul is confusing itself with the ego. As we are constantly changing, the mind is always fluctuating. Once we are able to calm the fluctuations of the mind, our perception of reality becomes clear. No longer clouded with thoughts of the past or the future, reality sharpens and we finally understand our true nature. This is the union of Yoga; when the fluctuations of the mind are stilled, revealing pure consciousness or awareness. We unite with our true Self.

Oil of the Month

Our April OOTM is:

Organic Roman Chamomile

“Organic Roman Chamomile is steam distilled from the flowers of the small Chamaemelum nobile perennial to create a sweet, "green," herbaceous apple-like scent.

The powerful, sweet scent is a favorite among essential oil users to help ease children and adults to sleep. This oil is soothing and gentle, making it safe for kids when diluted properly. Diffuse before bedtime, apply topically using your favorite Plant Therapy carrier oil, or add to a warm nighttime bath to promote relaxation and a restful, refreshing night of sleep.

Organic Roman Chamomile helps to ease tired muscles after strenuous exercise and aching joints due to aging.” -Plant Therapy

Click here to learn more about Organic Roman Chamomile

This month, enjoy 20% off your purchase of Organic Roman Chamomile essential oil at the studios.

Monthly Challenge Winner

Our Monthly Challenge Winner for March 2022 is:

Sue Herbst

Congratulations Sue! You attended 22 classes in the month of March, and you’ll get your next month of membership for free! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of our community.

Who will be our April winner?

Teacher Feature

This month, get to know Kaitlyn! A wonderful instructor, and an all around wonderful person. In this interview, we discuss some ways to care for yourself both on and off the mat!

We Need Your Opinion!

We would like to hear from you! To better serve our wonderful community, we are asking you to fill out a short survey on what you would like to see here at Oyster Bay Yoga. Your input helps shape what we offer at the studio and we very much value your opinion! If you have any additional feedback, please email us at info@oysterbayyoga.com. Thank you!

Pajama Yoga



at Oyster Bay Yoga


Friday, April 29th


at Glen Cove Yoga

with Diana Vargas

Kids ages 4-10 can come dressed in their PJ's for a fun yoga class with stretching, games and stories to help them get ready for bed.

Milk & cookies provided!

$15 per child

Friday Night Flow: Songs of Spring

Friday, April 8th


at Glen Cove Yoga


Friday, April 15th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Anne Davidson

Join Anne in a fun yoga flow while enjoying your favorite songs of springtime!

$10 to drop-in/FREE for members

Healing Through the Chakra System:

CHAKRA ONE Muladhara

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

Sunday, April 3rd


with Maru Duran

at Glen Cove Yoga

Are you ready to start your alchemical journey into a more whole version of yourself? Are you ready to heal the wounds of your body and psyche so you can feel more balanced and energized, and be more present for yourself and others? If so, join Maru on this healing expedition through the main energy centers (chakras) of your body, an ancient reinvigorating exploration known as Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

After our first class of this series, where we were introduced to the chakra system, we are now ready to move up the spine and deep-dive into each energy center. 

This class will concentrate on the first chakra, Muladhara, where we will learn about it, feel/ experience it, and heal it by exploring personal wounds and blocks. 

We will start by learning what this chakra is all about, what affects its vitality, and how we can actively help this wheel of energy back to a balanced state (20-minute discussion). Right after, Maru will guide the class through a meditation to feel and open the Muladhara chakra (5-10 minutes). While in this inward state, the teacher will share writing prompts that will help you identify personal blockages that affect the health of this center (20 minutes). We encourage you to write down whatever comes up for you, so you can consciously work on these issues in your everyday life. We will end the session with a yoga class (45 minutes), which will concentrate on opening and balancing the first chakra.

Expect to leave this class with a clear understanding of the Muladhara chakra, a personal identification of what is causing imbalance in this area for you, and homework to work on your everyday life to bring this chakra back to a balanced state. After this class you can expect to feel grounded and protected.

$40 per person (10% off GCY/OBY/Dual Members)

Yang Yin Self Care Pop-Up Class

Friday, April 8th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Erica Tymeck

Self Care is what fuels us and nourishes us. Yet, self care looks and feels different for everyone. Join Erica in a fueling and nourishing “yang yin” inspired class. Yin qualities are cooling and calming. While yang qualities are bright, and energizing. Within our yoga practice, we experience the balance of yang and yin through restorative, calming meditative techniques balanced with the flowing, energizing and moving asana. We always seek to create balance between yin and yang in yoga practice, so how can we pull these principals into self-care as well? In this 90 minute class which embodies both yang and yin energies, will we explore and reflect on what we need to best care for ourselves, now. 

Yin Yoga

Sunday, April 10th



Friday, April 29th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. A yin yoga practice compliments a yang practice and allows for a more balanced approach to life.

$24 to drop-in/FREE for members

Full Moon Movement, Meditation & Gong Bath

Saturday, April 16th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Full Moon Gong Meditations allow us to honor the cyclical nature of the moon together. During the class there will be a seated meditation, incorporating mantra, pranayama and mudra, gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong.

$24 to drop-in / Free for members

April Sale

Lavender Infused Eye Pillows & Neck Pillows are 20% off this month at both studios!

Take some peaceful self care moments to relax!

Upcoming Events & Schedule Updates



  • New Teacher! Mondays at 7:30am Flow into Meditation with Peggy Adair (Oyster Bay)

  • New Teacher & Class! Starting April 14th, Thursdays at 10:30am All-Levels Flow with Simone Sanchez (Glen Cove)

  • New Class!: 4-Week Series starting 4/30 Rise & Shine: Strength & Conditioning Saturdays 8:00-8:45am with Gina Murphy (Oyster Bay)

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, stay well.
