May 2022 at Oyster Bay Yoga

The Beginner’s Mind

Dear Oyster Bay Yogis,

Happy May! Do you remember your first yoga class? Maybe it was last month, or maybe it was 30 years ago. But can you reflect on how you felt in your early days of practicing? What’s changed? If you’re still practicing, then there’s still that passion for movement, breath, connection & embodiment you fell in love with early on in your practice, but it can become clouded over the years with the challenges we all face in this wild world. This month, can we reignite our beginner’s mind? The routine of the practice is a part of the discipline, and I won’t ask you to unlearn everything, but I will ask you to go back to the early days of your practice in your mind, and see if you can bring that freshness with you. Need a little inspiration? Hang out with Owen (or your nearest toddler) for an hour and you’ll remember the JOY of learning something for the first time! As a little incentive to walk back to the start of the path, this month, if you attend 8 or more Yoga Roots classes, I’ll have a little surprise waiting for you at the front desk.

Be well!


Pose of the Month

Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog

In my classes this month we’ll be focusing on arm balancing, specifically Bakasana (Crow Pose)! Practice the technique of this posture along with me in this video, and then in your full practices, see if you can settle into the alignment and then shift your attention to a single point of focus, like your drishti, or your breath.

Sutra of the Month

Have you ever found yourself straying from your yoga practice and a voice pops into your head telling you, “I really need to get back to yoga”? Or have you ever begun a meditation practice only to leave it within a few weeks (or days)? You are certainly not alone. Your body and mind know that yoga makes you feel good in so many ways. Discipline is a very important aspect to yoga. Showing up to practice on a regular basis without break. The real benefits of the practice are revealed when we dedicate ourselves to the practice long-term. In order to sustain these good feelings, our practice needs to be consistent. Whether we show up to our mat for 5 minutes or 1 hour, the commitment to come back to your mat regularly is what will make the most difference.

Oil of the Month

Our May OOTM is:


“This delightful and vibrant synergy has an aroma of a sparkling citrus bouquet with a green, fruity splash and woody background. It is uplifting and calming with the juicy-fresh citrus scents of Orange and Grapefruit and the sweet green scent of Lime Steam Distilled.

Cognac adds an additional fresh, fruity aspect, while Galbanum and Buchu round out the aroma with a hint of woody and herbaceous undertones.” -Plant Therapy

Click here to learn more about Honeybell

This month, enjoy 20% off your purchase of Honeybell essential oil at the studios.

Monthly Challenge Winner

Our Monthly Challenge Winner for April 2022 is:

Kara Troxler

Congratulations Kara! You attended 21 classes in the month of April, and you’ll get your next month of membership for free! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of our community.

Who will be our May winner?

May Promo

Take 8 or more Yoga Roots classes in the month of May and get a special mystery gift at the end of the month! Take some time to commit to your yoga practice and come expand your knowledge of the basics!



Rise & Grind with Gina

4 Week Series


April 30th, May 7th, May 14th & May 21st


with Gina Murphy

Challenge yourself in this 45 minute total body strength series using hand weights, resistance bands and your body weight in a comfortable and fun atmosphere!

$85 for the series/$24 to drop-in

Pajama Yoga

Friday, May 6th


at Oyster Bay Yoga


Friday, May 27th


at Glen Cove Yoga

with Diana Singh

Kids ages 4-10 can come dressed in their PJ's for a fun yoga class with stretching, games and stories to help them get ready for bed.

Milk & cookies provided!

$15 per child

Friday Night Flow: British Invasion

Friday, May 6th


at Glen Cove Yoga


Friday, May 20th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Anne Davidson

Flow to your favorite songs from British musicians from the 60s to today!

$10 to drop-in/FREE for members

Advanced Asana with Anna

Saturday, May 7th


with Anna Khrikheli

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Do you want to know what your life is like with your feet off the floor?

Whether you're new to arm balance or a frequent flyer this workshop is for you.

Take your practice to the next level and join Anna for a 2 hour FLY the CROW Master Class. You'll learn foundational arm balance in yoga such as Crow and explore different variations linked to it such as Side Crow, Flying Crow and Fallen Angel. In this Master Class we'll work on group muscles that help you to get comfortable supporting your body weight on your hands.

Fly the Crow Master Class will be split in parts with enough time for warm up, demo, playtime and a short yoga sequence. After the workshop you'll have confidence on how to safely approach Crow pose and other related asanas and how to implement them in your personal practice.

This feel good Master Class will leave you uplifted, strong, empowered and energized.

$40 per person (10% off GCY/OBY/Dual Members)

Wheel of Life Workshop: Joy

Sunday, May 15th


with Anne Davidson

at Oyster Bay Yoga

In this 90 minute session, Anne, certified yoga instructor and health and wellness coach, will guide you through a yoga + meditation practice followed by a journaling and coaching workshop. This workshop will teach you how to dig deep into the idea of JOY and how to cultivate, manifest, and create more JOY in your life. You'll be guided through the wheel of life exercise and you’ll walk away with simple, sustainable self-care tools that will support your lifestyle. Walk away feeling capable, calm, and ready to live well.

Full Moon Movement, Meditation & Gong Bath

Monday, May 16th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Full Moon Gong Meditations allow us to honor the cyclical nature of the moon together. During the class there will be a seated meditation, incorporating mantra, pranayama and mudra, gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong.

$24 to drop-in / Free for members

Journey Through Grief with SoulCollage®

Sunday, May 22nd


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Join Martha Flanagan, Soulcollage ® facilitator and yoga instructor for two hours of sacred space and creativity. Soulcollage ® is an intuitive art process combining Jungian and Gestalt psychology. Soulcollage ® is an easy collage process to help you connect with your higher wisdom, intuition and creativity. If you can breathe, cut and paste, you can do this workshop.

This particular workshop will focus on Grief and assist in the journey towards healing.

About the facilitator: Martha is a hatha and kundalini teacher as well as a Licensed Creative Arts Therapist. She has worked in psychiatry for over 20 years. In October, 2019 Martha became a Soulcollage ® facilitator.

Yin Yoga

Friday, May 27th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. A yin yoga practice compliments a yang practice and allows for a more balanced approach to life.

$24 to drop-in/FREE for members

Upcoming Events & Schedule Updates



  • New Class: 4-Week Series starting 4/30 Rise & Shine: Strength & Conditioning Saturdays (April 30th, May 7th, May 14th & May 21st) 8:00-8:45am with Gina Murphy (Oyster Bay)

  • New Class: Starting 05/11, Wednesdays 4:30pm Yoga & Journaling with Peggy Adair (Oyster Bay)

  • Class Change: Starting 05/20, Fridays 7:30am Flow 1 with Amy will switch to 6:15am Flow 1 with Diane Lucchese (Glen Cove)

  • New Class: Starting 05/24, Tuesdays 6:00pm All Levels Flow with Anne Davidson (Oyster Bay)

Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, stay well.
