October 2022 at Oyster Bay Yoga

The Subtle Body

Dear Oyster Bay Yogis,

Happy October! In yoga, we physically, and mentally practice moving from the gross to the subtle. The tangible, to the intangible. From asana to samadhi. This month, we’ll be diving into “the subtle body,” also known as the energetic body. Making shapes with our physical bodies is only the first step on our individual healing journeys.

See you on the mat!


Pose of the Month

Prasarita Padottanasana: Wide Legged Forward Fold

This month we breakdown Prasarita Padottanasana: Wide Legged Forward Fold. Click to watch the video!

Sutra of the Month

The breath is the greatest indicator of the state of the mind. Pranayama techniques are one of the best ways to heal the body and clear the mind. By focusing on the breath you can relax your mind and by noticing the breath, you have a reliable witness to your state of mind.

Oil of the Month

Our October OOTM is:

Grounded Foundation

“The 1st (Root) Chakra is vital to how we experience our existence. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra roots the entire chakra system above providing stability to move beyond the needs of basic survival. 

A strong and balanced foundation serves as anchor to the wellbeing of our whole being. When we feel grounded, we experience a greater sense of safety, security, and support. This chakra also supports feelings of trust and belonging so that we may connect to the world around us. 

This synergy is called Grounded Foundation and is made with the 100% pure, undiluted essential oils and extracts of Spikenard, Frankincense Carterii C02, Palo Santo, and Vetiver. It has a rich, earthy blend with a hint of sweet spice comprised of oils considered sacred treasures.

Use to help, soothe, calm and relax when you are feeling disconnected and distressed. Helps to create a sense of security, protection, and hope. Supports feelings of trust and belonging. Firmly grounding and centering, while allowing a sense of expansiveness and higher connection.” -Plant Therapy

Click here to learn more about Grounded Foundation

This month, enjoy 20% off your purchase of Grounded Foundation essential oil at the studios.

Monthly Challenge Winner

Our Monthly Challenge Winner for September 2022 is:

Maureen Jimenez

Congratulations Maureen! You attended 19 classes in the month of September, and you’ll get your next month of membership for free! Great job!

Who will be our October winner?

Fall Schedule


We have updated our Fall Schedule.
We hope to see you in class this season!

Columbus Day Schedule



Healing Your Life Ayurvedic Wellness Program


10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/29, 11/5 & 11/12


at Glen Cove Yoga

NOW ENROLLING! Presented by Nancy Rich, an intern at The California College of Ayurveda, A World Leader in Ayurvedic Education [www.ayurvedacollege.com]

In these fascinating, fun and interactive classes, learn how to bring the ancient teachings of Ayurveda into your life. Ayurveda is the oldest system of medicine in the world, the sister science to Yoga, and addresses healing at the root.

In the six classes you will learn:

• The basic principles of Ayurveda

• Your natural constitution and the nature of any imbalances you may have

• The Cause of Disease

• How to Heal Your Life using five sense therapies, including:

• Healing Your Life through food, touch (self-massage), aromatherapy, color therapy, music therapy and healthy lifestyle routines

• Healing techniques including meditation, nasal cleansing, pranayama (breathing techniques), and more!

Learn how to take charge of your health, and Heal your Life ~ in 6 two hour classes!

Pricing $229

*Additional course materials are not included in the cost of the program.

Pajama Yoga

Friday, October 7th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

Kids ages 4-10 can come dressed in their PJ's for a fun yoga class with stretching, games and stories to help them get ready for bed.

Milk & cookies provided!

$15 per child

Friday Night Flow: Spooky Halloween

Friday, October 7th


with Anne Davidson

at Glen Cove Yoga

Want to move and groove with us on your mat? Enjoy a fun yoga flow with Anne while moving to spooky Halloween tunes!

$10 to drop-in/FREE for members

Full Moon Yin Yoga & Gong Bath

Sunday, October 9th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Full Moon Yin Yoga & Gong Bath will allow us to honor the cyclical nature of the moon together in a slower paced class. This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. During the class there will be a seated meditation, incorporating mantra, pranayama and mudra, gentle movement to prepare the mind and body for the healing vibrations of the Gong.

$24 to drop-in/Free for members

Chakra Vinyasa & Meditation

Friday, October 14th


with Erica Tymeck

at Oyster Bay Yoga

The seven chakras represent a map of the inner body that helps us understand how the physical body relates to the mind, spirit, and the energy within. With our focus on the chakras, we may identify and free up energetic, physical or emotional blocks, and send awareness to the sacred energy centers within us. Join Erica for a chakra focused gentle vinyasa flow and guided meditation. Appropriate for all levels, we can deepen our focus and apply the lense of the chakras into our physical and meditative practice.

$24 drop-in/FREE for members

OysterFest 2022 Schedule

Classes will be canceled in our Oyster Bay studio on Saturday & Sunday October 15th & 16th, with the exception of 8am Express Flow 2 with Anna on Sunday. All Oyster Bay Yoga members are welcome to practice at our Glen Cove location, free of charge, while downtown Oyster Bay is taken over with the festival. If you’re a member at OBY and would like to register for classes in Glen Cove, please email us with the date/time of class you’d like to attend, and we’ll reserve your spot for you!

Oyster Bay Yoga will also host a booth on Audrey Ave, right outside the studio during the festival, so please come visit us!

Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Philosophy

Sunday, October 16th


at Glen Cove Yoga


Tuesday, October 18th


at Oyster Bay Yoga

with Birva Sheth

Please join me for a special class focusing on Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga Philosophy. Let's get together to center ourselves and feel our inner world and try to cleanse our Channels with different types of Breathing techniques and Kapalbhati. We will also be deepening our practice by focusing on a couple of limbs of yoga.

Glen Cove Yoga’s 3 Year Anniversary

Save the date for Sunday, October 23rd! We’re putting our party hats on in celebration of 3 years in business at Glen Cove Yoga. Members only class at 8am, followed by 30min pop-up classes (just $5 to drop-in!) throughout the afternoon. Great raffles, food, drinks & merriment at the studio.

More details to come, See you then!

Yin Yoga

Friday, October 28th


with Martha Flanagan

at Oyster Bay Yoga

Are you moving too fast?
Doing too many things at one time?
Too much "mind chatter" or just want to slow down?

Yin yoga can provide an antidote for this.
This class will guide you through a series of poses that are primarily done sitting and lying down. The poses are held for 2-5 minutes at a time to allow connective tissues (fascia, ligaments) to soften, lengthen and lubricate. A yin yoga practice compliments a yang practice and allows for a more balanced approach to life.

$24 to drop-in / Free for OBY & Dual Studio members

Upcoming Events & Schedule Updates



Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. I look forward to seeing you soon. Until then, stay well.
