by Lisa Funk
One of my favorite yoga teachers would frequently use the phrase, “find the place between effort and ease” during class. As I read this month’s surta, sthira sukham asanam, I realized that these were not my teacher’s own words, but the words of Patanjali. The more I researched the verse, the more it spoke to me. This phrase continues to resonate with me and I love how Patanjali’s theory is applicable both on and off the mat.
Sthira translates to strength and stability. Sukha is flexibility and openness, and asanam is the asana, or the seat. Simply stated, the yoga pose should be steady and yet comfortable. On the mat, one must find the place between flexibility and strength, or risk injury. If we only have flexibility, that means we may not have enough stability to keep our body and joints safe. We all know those people who are strong and muscular, but can’t touch their toes. This is because their muscles are short. One of my yoga students, who is also a runner, has more sthira, and often notices her tight hips in hip opening poses. Her work on the mat is to strive to increase her sukha, creating more flexibility. The yogi’s work on the mat is to create this balance between stability and strength, the effort and the ease of the asana.
Now ask yourself this question… How are you living your yoga off the mat? Are you able to find the place between effort and ease? Is your day overplanned and stressful from sunrise to sunset? Is your mind overactive and wild with thoughts? Or is your mind present and stable? Can you move throughout your day with ease and lightness?
A yogi’s work is to find the place of balance, between effort and ease, strength and flexibility both on and off the mat.