
Massage Therapy

Massage Offerings:

Swedish Massage


The most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing.

Thai Massage


Traditional Thai massage uses no oils or lotions. The recipient remains clothed during a treatment. There is constant body contact between the giver and receiver, but rather than rubbing on muscles, the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked.

Pre/Postnatal Massage


Pre & Post Natal Massage soothes nerves and relieves strained back and leg muscles. Your massage helps to stimulate soft tissue to reduce edema or swelling of the joints during pregnancy.

Sports Massage


Developed to help with muscle systems used for a particular sport, sports massage uses a variety of approaches to help athletes in training -- before, during, or after sports events. You might use it to promote flexibility and help prevent injuries. Or, it may help muscle strains, aiding healing after a sports injury.

Postural Alignment Session


The Egoscue Method uses a series of gentle exercises and stretches to return musculoskeletal balance and symmetry to your body. It's no secret that muscles move bones. If your body has lost its designed posture, it's because muscles have moved your bones into a new, dysfunctional position.


60min Treatment: $115

90min Treatment: $150

30min Postural Alignment Session: $60

*OBY & GCY Members receive 10% off

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