
Birva Sheth


Describe yourself in 3 words: Loving mother, Caring Person , Passionate Yogi

How would your family and friends describe you? Loving and very generous person, caring mom who always thinks about everyone else before her.

How would your students describe you? I would love to see a happy and relaxed face on my students once they take my class and that's how I want my students to recognize me.

How do you want your students to feel after your classes? Happy - Blissful & Relaxed 

How did you become an instructor? After my Father’s death , I turned myself towards Yoga and that Journey made me realize how much I was missing out of my life. Everyday I was just thinking about yoga classes and I used to take classes at 6 AM in the morning and it made me realize how much I was loving it. I started talking with people of how much yoga has impacted me and one fine day I just made my decision to leave my 10 year accounting job and just learn Yoga and become instructor so that the way Yoga helped me physically, emotionally and spiritually , the same way I can give yoga to the world and help out people.

What's your favorite food? Indian Food, Sushi and Thai food

What's your #1 favorite song of all time? I love Indian music

If you weren't a teacher, what would be your dream job? I worked as an Accountant for 10 years, if i weren’t a teacher, I would be a great accountant.

What's your guilty pleasure? Music , Dance & Drinking tea by window (LOL).

What do you miss most about being a kid? Staying with my MOM :(

What’s the best meal you’ve ever had? India food

What did you do growing up that got you into trouble? I was not a troubled child. I used to help my mom with housework in India from the age of 10 in cooking and cleaning and raising my brother who is 10 years younger than me.

What’s your favorite asana and why? I just love to do Sun Salutation as many times as I can do. I feel that it makes me more energetic and happy. It has all the Asanas I love like Bhujangasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana. I feel Sun Salutation also makes my tiredness go away 

Describe your teaching style: Vinyasa