Angela Loomis Oyster Bay Yoga

Angela Loomis


Describe yourself in 3 words: kind, introspective, passionate

How do you want your students to feel after your classes? I want my students to feel empowered & confident after my class.  By utilizing a class theme, I hope they also experience a sense of peace on their mat which remains with them throughout their everyday lives.  

What's your favorite food? I love sushi, but I would never pass up a big delicious bowl of pasta. 

If you weren't a teacher, what would be your dream job? I am a high school teacher by day and yoga teacher in my free time.  While it seems strange to call teaching a dream job, I can’t imagine doing anything else.  To teach & develop trusting relationships with all my students is what I’m meant to do. 

What’s your favorite asana and why? Sirsasana, headstand, is my favorite pose. I practice it almost everyday.  I love this inversion because I had a huge mental block with this pose & didn’t believe I could physically do it until an instructor told me I could!  It is empowering and calming all at the same time & I love to close out my day with a headstand next to my bed.