This mediation guides you towards a relaxing state with the help of a candle flame. Please make sure you are using a beeswax or soy wax candle. A lot of candles may have harmful toxic substances in them. Choose a colored candle if you are focusing on something to enhance yourself. Specific colors have a huge impact on your life and they all mean different things. Otherwise, a white soy or beeswax candle will work just as good!
Make sure you are in a quiet place with no distractions, just you and the candle. As if you were to prepare for regular mediation, make sure you are in a comfortable room temperature room and as always a blanket is welcome.
Place the candle somewhere at eye level for you, if you can boost it up on a little table or stool that is eye level for you that would be perfect. You are also welcome to sit on a chair, I prefer sitting on the floor for this. Make sure you are comfortably seated on a mediation pillow or anything that is comforting for you. Any seated position that is most comfortable as well, cross legged, lotus, etc. anything that is best for you. Make sure your back is straight, try and do this without resting it on anything for support. Place your hands upward on your thighs or on your lap. Make sure the alignment of your torso is centered. Do a few seated cat/cows to help with alignment. Also, lowering your chin a little toward your neck will help to straighten your back from the crown of your head.
Now, focus your sight on the candle flame. Take in a long deep slow breath through your nose and exhale slowly out through your nose, allowing anything that doesn’t fulfill you to slowly release. Take in another slow long deep breath through your nose and as you exhale allow any worries to release. Take a few deep breathes like this allowing your mind to completely settle and release any negative thoughts and worries. Keep the gaze on the candle flame as you do this, try to not focus on anything or worry about anything. After a few long deep breaths start to allow your breath to come and go allowing it to be natural. Refocus your eyes when needed. Allow any thoughts to come in but also allow them to drift by. It is difficult to allow the mind to relax so if thoughts are coming in don’t try to push them away, just don’t focus on them and they will pass. Remember to keep your gaze on the flame.
Sit here for as long as you need, I recommend at least 15 minutes. When you are ready, start to become aware of your breath, your surroundings and bring your consciousness back to the room. Take a few deep cleansing breathes and go about your day with a fresh cleansed mind.