Anna Khrikheli


Describe yourself in 3 words:
Joyful, energetic, devoted.

How do you want your students to feel after your classes?
My hope is that every student who comes to my class steps off the mat feeling nourished, empowered and uplifted with the sense of balance and inner peace.

How did you become an instructor?
8 years ago I attended my first yoga class led by Indian instructor and instantly fell in love with this discipline. After years of practice and experiencing all the benefits yoga has to offer I’ve decided to share a gift of yoga with others and eventually enrolled in a yoga teacher training in the

What’s your favorite food?
Home baked whole wheat bread and cheese.

If you weren’t a teacher, what would be your dream job?
When I was younger, I used to be a teacher in the kindergarten, so being a teacher is something I really enjoyed doing. But being a yoga teacher is my dream job because it’s a place where my passion for movement and teaching come together.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
A LOT of dark chocolate

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Having endless energy and Saturday morning cartoons

What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?
As a kid I used to bring homeless animals home and I wanted to keep them all.

What’s your favorite asana and why?
I consider Shavasana the most important asana in yoga because I used to avoid it for quite a while, but when I finally learned how to relax in the end of the class I felt that conscious awakening in Shavasana is the key to balancing out the whole practice.

Describe your teaching style.
Powerful yet playful, invigorating and creative Viniyasa

Tell us about your first yoga class (or a memorable experience from your early yoga days)?
My first memorable experience of yoga was at the Oyster Bay Yoga studio 5 years ago. It was my first “Westernized” yoga practice where I was exposed to different styles of yoga as well as different teachings.